Android Pay gets Capital One support (no really, it's happening this time)


After approximately 62 false starts, Google and Capital One have worked everything out and made Capital One cards functional in Android Pay. Caveats... there are some. Not all cards are supported, and the verification process is kind of a mess.

According to Capital One here are the broad strokes of card support.

  • Supported: US Consumer Visa Credit, US Consumer MC Credit and Debit
  • Not supported: US Partnership Credit, Visa Corporate, Non US Credit

I've tested this with a Venture MasterCard, and everything works.

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Android Pay gets Capital One support (no really, it's happening this time) was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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Android Pay gets Capital One support (no really, it's happening this time) Android Pay gets Capital One support (no really, it's happening this
time) Reviewed by djaml anabi on 5:39 PM Rating: 5

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