A Pancake A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Wait, wasn’t it “an apple a day”?

Well, as it turns out pancakes can be beneficial as well. Especially when made with the right ingredients. And the star of today’s entry must be the quinoa seed.

Now, prior to saying a thing or two about the benefits of quinoa, and pancakes prepared with it, I must point out that I found the best recipe site organization-wise: My Great Recipes. And when I am talking about organization I mean their many different recipe collections, among which I chose my personal favorite. You can find many more recipes here.

What is Quinoa and what are its benefits?

Well technically, quinoa is a pseudo-cereal, although many a time it is classified as a grain, it is only similarly prepared, but in actuality, it is a seed.

The benefits of this seed go beyond any other crops’. Quinoa is:

  • High in B-vitamins,calcium, fiber,iron, magnesium potassium, phosphorus, vitamin E.
  • High in protein
  • Gluten free
  • Good for blood sugar control
  • Good for the overall metabolism

Quinoa and Pancakes

Maybe the best feature of the quinoa seed is its ability to get easily incorporated into various recipes. And my favorite way of consuming this beneficial seed is in a pancake batter.

All of the pancake recipes that include quinoa have one step in common: You should cook the quinoa according to the instructions on the package prior to mixing it with either the wet or dry ingredients.

A pancake containing quinoa will be:

  • Higher in fiber than any other regular one.
  • Higher in protein
  • More interesting both texture and taste-wise

Quinoa Pancake Recipe Ideas

The Quinoa Whole Wheat Greek Yogurt Pancakes are a must try regardless of whether you are trying to eat healthy, lose weight, or simply want to enjoy a warm and tasty bite.
These beauties will be done in 20 minutes and the best thing about them is they allow for a range of toppings to be added to them.

But, just in case you want to kick this recipe up a notch, give the Whole Wheat Banana Quinoa Pancakes a try. I must say that bananas and quinoa are a match made in heaven. Both are rich in potassium and protein, and will easily satiate your hunger without the burden of eating too much.

Did I mention quinoa is SUPER LOW in Calories?

All the more reason to find ways to consume it.

Note: Although they allow for as many different toppings as you might imagine, don’t go so far as to top these hotcakes with Nutella or chocolate syrup. And, even if you go for honey or maple syrup, don’t overdo it!

Besides the common perception of them as a quick dish with no nutrients at all, the recipes mentioned above prove just the opposite: Pancakes can actually be packed with all the good-for-you ingredients that will help you go about your day more energized and with an improved overall mood and metabolism.

Kaushal Shah

A Pancake A Day Keeps The Doctor Away A Pancake A Day Keeps The Doctor Away Reviewed by djaml anabi on 10:39 PM Rating: 5

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