8 reasons why you should have a winter wedding

Close your eyes and imagine a picture of your perfect wedding day. It probably looks like this: a warm sunny day, a lot of pretty flowers, immaculately green lawn, your family all gathered outside to witness the ceremony of your life, your amazing husband-to-be and you, walking down the aisle in a stunning flowy dress that takes the guest’s breaths for a few moments.

Now, scratch that out and get ready to change your lifetime perception of the most beautiful wedding ceremony ever and, most importantly, the time of the year it should be scheduled for!

As after reading these 10 main reasons of having a winter wedding, you’ll be a lot more excited to turn your big day into a winter wonderland rather than wait for the busiest wedding season and dealing with a bunch of organizational issues like fishing out the last wedding photographer that wasn’t booked for the date of your ceremony two years in advance.

And, as the main color of all weddings is white, a winter wedding is just meant to be!

Top 8 reasons to have a winter wedding

  1. The wedding is going to stand out. Do you know anyone who had his/her wedding in winter? The magic of the winter wedding is unrepeatable. It’s the excitement similar to what we feel when experiencing the first snowfall of the season, gathering with the family to decorate the house for Christmas, waking up early in the morning to open presents, combined with the overwhelming love and romance of a wedding. It’s like the winter magic and love explosion happening in people’s hearts.
  2. No unpredictable weather. If you’re going to have your wedding during winter months, I’d suggest planning it for the time of the year, when the temperatures get quite low and the snowfall remains quite stable within your local area. Then, the chances of a sudden weather change letting you down and ruining the most important day of your life, like it often happens to summer, spring and fall ceremonies. Of course, it might snow, but it’s the natural ‘special effect’ I would love to have at my wedding, as it is 100 times better than having a white Christmas.
  3. The venues are all yours. Someone may think that it’s completely impractical to schedule the wedding for winter. But that’s until they discover the numerous opportunities and even financial benefits this decision will open to them. Just think about the first and one of the most important wedding preparation issues ‘summer’ brides need to deal with - the lack of the venue choice – and you’ll understand how great it will be to be able to choose an amazing venue without hearing that it’s already booked out. You’ll have all the venues to choose from!winter wonderland venue
  4. Special venue décor. As winter colors are quite neutral, they create a perfect backdrop for any color and decoration theme you prefer. But, what’s the point of having a winter wedding when not turning it into a winter wonderland dream come true?
  5. The choice of vendors. As December, January and February are the least popular months among the brides, the same applies to the vendors. When there’re not too many weddings going on, you won’t have to compete with other brides for the chance to get the caterers or the videographer you want to work on your wedding. In addition to that, you’ll receive high-quality service (as the vendors won’t come to your wedding being extremely tired after the previous ceremony they worked for) with a good possibility of a seasonal discount.
  6. Great pictures. Winter wedding pictures are anything but typical. If you’re lucky enough to schedule the ceremony on a snowy day, the pictures will turn out extremely magical and fairy tale-like. Besides, when the land is covered in snow, there’s no such thing as a bad weather for pictures. The lighting will always be great.winter wedding picture
  7. The details you won’t be able to incorporate in summer. As unpopular wedding timing will save you money on major expenses (like venue and vendors), you’ll be able to invest them in the details to make your ceremony more personal and touching. You’ll be able to concentrate more on venue decorating and adorn it not just with flowers, but with winter-themed elements like wreaths, Christmas trees, slays, fake snow and beautiful statues carved out of ice. The fur wedding shawl for the bride is to die for, and your guests will certainly love a pair of gloves, a warm scarf and a hot chocolate kit as the favors.
  8. Everyone you’d like to invite will come. As most weddings happen throughout the May-September time stretch, the summer brides have to fight not only for the perfect venue, the best DJ and a somewhat acceptable caterer, but also for the guests who seem to be invited to a million of other weddings throughout the season and who also want to go on a vacation in between their best friend’s and sister’s ceremony. In winter, everyone’s at home, everyone’s happy to attend a special event to bring some magic to their monotonous winter days, and everyone’s budget is healed up after being broken by a ton of presents bought for those numerous summer couples, whose marriage they witnessed.
8 reasons why you should have a winter wedding 8 reasons why you should have a winter wedding Reviewed by djaml anabi on 8:35 PM Rating: 5

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