YouTube now allows creators to pin comments, add moderators, blacklist words and phrases, and more


The YouTube comments section - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Part of the reason comments can be so unbearable at times is the dreadful moderation tools, but YouTube is seeking to fix that. Today on their Creator Blog, they announced a number of changes to how comments can be moderated.

Possibly the most important new feature is the ability to add other people as moderators on a YouTube channel.

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YouTube now allows creators to pin comments, add moderators, blacklist words and phrases, and more was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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YouTube now allows creators to pin comments, add moderators, blacklist words and phrases, and more YouTube now allows creators to pin comments, add moderators, blacklist
words and phrases, and more Reviewed by djaml anabi on 11:47 AM Rating: 5

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