6 Types of Weight Loss Surgery

Surgery has helped many people to kill their extra fats and has lowered the death rates. After the surgery, the person has to be very vigilant about the health so that there is no serious after effects. Many surgeons before performing the surgery they notify their patients about the process of the surgery and the after effects. The patient has to keep every detail in their mind so that later there is no problem arising after the surgery.

Some have the myths that to have the perfect body people try to go for weight loss surgery but indeed it is impossible to perform surgery on the people to have BMI lower than 35 or 30. Weight loss surgery is not one of the cosmetic procedures, but instead, it is a very serious and also life threatening surgery so woman or men shouldn’t think of going for surgery until they are suffering from obesity.

There are various kinds of Weight loss surgery depending on the cases of obesity. The following are types of Weight loss surgery:-

1. Restriction

Restriction surgery is more of losing weight the normal procedure by physical exertion. It will help in limiting the food that has to be consumed by the body so that the person intake few calories. Automatically that person will start losing extreme body fats from the body.

2. Malabsorption

In Malabsorption surgery the bypass surgery is performed on the stomach and the intestines which decrease the calorie count from the body and also reduces the nutrients the body absorbs.

3. RouxenY Gastric Bypass

RouxenY Gastric Bypass Surgery helps in intake of small amount of food so that the patient doesn’t feel hungrier. They create a small pouch on the stomach which only receives food, so it helps in limiting the intake of the food.

4. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding

In this procedure of the surgery, the banding is done on the upper part of the stomach which creates a narrow opening. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding can help in limiting the food, but it doesn’t restrict the absorption of the nutrients and calories.

5. Sleeve Gastrectomy:-

The part of the stomach is separated in Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery procedure which makes it look like a tube. Therefore, it doesn’t hold much food and the patient will feel the loss of appetite. But in this procedure, it doesn’t reduce the absorption of calories and nutrients from the food.

6. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch

In this Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery procedure, a large part of the stomach is removed and it been directly attached to the small intestine. Thus the food is direct to the intestines and the bile and pancreatic juice to flow directly to the intestine. This procedure helps in reducing the body absorption of the nutrients and calories from the food.

The different types of weight loss surgery have helped in losing excess weight over the years and given a chance for the people who are struggling to obesity.

6 Types of Weight Loss Surgery 6 Types of Weight Loss Surgery Reviewed by djaml anabi on 1:29 PM Rating: 5

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